![The Mobiliser - simple, effective and convenient](https://www.thebodyworksclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/mobiliser.jpg)
The Mobiliser in your home?!
Many of you will have tried out our fabulous Mobiliser at the clinic as part of your treatment.
For those wondering what on earth I’m on about it’s that big black bed in the other room that you lie on and it wiggles you about! Aha, bet you remember it now!
If I haven’t introduced you then the simplest way to imagine it is . . . . this is what happens if you combine my fingers with one of those massage chairs you get in La Canada!
It’s a big black cushion that you put on top of a massage bed . . . or your bed . . . or a large sturdy table . . . or on a mat on the floor . . . wherever you want really.
And then you lie on it, face up.
And then you press the button.
And then the magic happens!
The rollers start at your feet and work their way up and down your body. Straightening out the kinks, opening up your chest and thoracic region, stimulating blood flow in your legs and, of course, organising all those little facet joints along the spine.
And now for the good bit . .
So after using our Mobiliser for quite a few years we have finally had a flash of inspiration and organised for you to be able to have one too!
Now you can either buy one for yourself OR rent one month by month.
That’s pretty cool right?
For more information drop us an email or give us a call on 952 883 151
And if you’re not sure there are a few testimonials from athletes and mere mortals.
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