PhysiotherapyMagnetic Resonance TherapyFull Body ScreeningGait AnalysisSpecialist Knee Clinic

Starting off on the right foot – the Initial Consultation

I have always believed that getting better is a two way process – my job is to guide and educate rather than just “do to” you. If you understand what’s happening within your own body, why you feel the way you do and react the way you do, then you understand why I make the recommendations that I do. And you make an educated decision about how to proceed. Either…

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Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT or MBST) - the next generation at Bodyworks

Stopping Joint Pain without surgery – the Next Generation!

For the last decade at the Bodyworks Clinic we have worked with a game changing therapy option – Magnetic Resonance Therapy (or MBST or MRT). This has allowed us to help treat patients with any of a LONG list of joint pain conditions feel better, have greater movement and improved quality of life without surgery, drugs or long rehabilitation periods. This has been a revelation and it has been thrilling…

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Golden Oldies - enjoy life longer at Bodyworks

Twinkles in your wrinkles!

Now many of you are familiar with me and my minor obsession with Prof Lorimer Moseley but he also has a wonderful partner in crime called David Butler who I was lucky enough to train with, many, many moons ago when I lived in the UK. In fact I would go so far as to say that his training played a major role in the kind of physio I am today.…

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Love your back Month at Bodyworks

Love your Back month at Bodyworks!

Today is Valentine’s Day! It is the season of love! So to celebrate Bodyworks are having LOVE YOUR BACK month from 14th February to 14th March! In my opinion one of the best and easiest ways to love your back is a few regular sessions on our amazing Mobiliser. I often use it with my patients either before or after a session with me or as part of an MRT…

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar – base of the foot Fascia – stretchy, strong connective tissue that helps stabilize your muscles throughout the body. Itis – inflammation. Plantar fasciitis – inflammation of the connective tissue which runs from the heel to the base of your toes How does it feel? It often starts as a dull, intermittent pain in the heel or arch of the foot which becomes a sharp,…

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Achilles Tendonitis - 10 things NOT to do

10 things NOT to do if you have Achilles Tendonitis

Or any other tendon issue in your hips, knees or ankles for that matter! In every joint tendons attach muscles to bones. They most resemble a rope – lots of strands altogether. So they can (and do!) fray and get inflamed, just like a rope they can get rubbed and pulled and tend to get hot and bothered when that happens! But, they can and DO heal albeit slowly. They…

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Estelle and the Bodyworks are going to the Over 50’s Expo!

And, just like us, the Over 50’s Expo has moved to a bigger, better location in Fuengirola! I have to admit that this is one of my favourite weekends of the year. I get let out of my “box” and get to talk to so many people! Find out what everyone is thinking, say hello to people without them being in pain . . . wonderful fun! And this year…

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ACL injuries and what to do

ACL Problems – the quickest way back to your sport.

ACL issues are common in many athletes, professional or keen amateur – sudden twisting, over extension, falls, a bad landing or sudden stops . . . these can all cause ligament injuries. And only 1 in 3 patients return to their sport. That seems to me a worryingly LOW number. What is the ACL? A ligament is the fibrous connective tissue that joins bones together in a joint. The ACL…

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MBST / MRT and the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2017

MRT and the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

One of the things I love about the technology providers that I work with is that they are as dedicated as I am to keeping up to date and moving forward. Now Med Tec, the German company who design and produce our MRT (MBST) machines is a pure science driven business! Constantly involved in research and organising studies to better understand the science behind the results as well as improve…

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Plank works your core without the risk

Will a strong core stop back pain?

Often people with back pain are told that their “core” isn’t strong, that they should “strengthen their core” to relieve their back pain. What is your core? Roughly speaking, when people refer to the core they mean the muscles between the base of your ribs and your hips: The pelvic floor muscles transversus abdominis multifidus internal and external obliques rectus abdominis erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis the diaphragm the latissimus dorsi gluteus maximus trapezius Is your…

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