Backpack or Back pain for kids

Backpack or Back pain as kids go back to school

School starts again here and packing that backpack with all the stuff they “just can’t live without” plus what their teachers’ need them to have . . . . it can suddenly be heavy bag. Style is everything A back pack is always the best style as they distribute the load across the strong back and shoulder muscles. If you can convince them to use a hip strap as well,…

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kids get migraines too

Kids get Migraines too

Some estimate it as high as 10% of school age children that get migraines. But the tricky thing with kids is that they don’t get migraines the way adults do. Tummy ache or migraine? One of the key differences between adult migraines and kids’ is that kids can get migraines in their stomachs. Often kids will complain of pain in their stomach or vomiting and this can be a migraine.…

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