Patient Support Seminars
One of the most important parts of healthcare that I stress to everyone again and again is the importance of being educated about your health. So that you are making an informed choice about what is right for YOU and your life, your needs.
But that isn’t easy in such a complicated field, one that comes with it’s own set of words (which can mean very different things to what you think they do!) and so very many options.
Combine that with the added confusion that many of our patients have of trying to understand healthcare in a different country and possibly in a second (or third!) language at a time when you are probably not at your best and . . . . it’s a tricky situation!
So, following on from our podcast we also want to give you the opportunity to ask your own questions.
So we are starting our Patient Support Seminars.
Free seminars, with experts, limited to just 8 people so that you can ask your questions and get useful information about what you can do.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for event details as they come up or join our mailing list for updates.
Nerve Pain
Understanding, diagnosing and managing
Wednesday 8 May – 11.30
FREE 1 hour led by our Consultant Physiotherapist Estelle Mitchell will discuss the diagnosis, management and onward steps for complicated conditions involving the nervous system.
Covering a whole host of often misdiagnosed conditions such as carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, migraines, sciatica, neuralgia and more this seminar will allow questions and answers as well as detailed explanation to help you get accurate and useful treatment.
Health insurance for Residencia
What you need, what it costs and what it covers
Thursday 16 May – 11.30
Led by Sonia Fendley our health insurance specialist with over a decade of experience here on the coast.
Explaining exactly what you need to comply with residency requirements for health insurance. Ask the questions you want answered about how it really works and what services you really receive.
Sciatica and Back Pain
Wednesday 22 May 11.30
In this week’s seminar we are talking back pain in general and sciatica in particular.
Led by our Consultant Physiotherapist Estelle Mitchell as well as our back pain and posture specialist, physiotherapist Ilyes Chataigner, this seminar will answer your questions about back pain.
What is sciatica? Why does it come and go? Top tips and tricks for what to do when you are hit by sciatica. Does it really mean your back is damaged? And what you can do to stop it coming back.
All this and more plus your questions answered in this free seminar on back pain and sciatica.
Managing the Menopause
Friday 31 May 11.30
Our Acupuncturist Rebecca Richards will be talking all things menopause related.
Tips on how to manage the symptoms of the menopause and what small daily changes you can make to have a big impact on how you feel.
Helping to balance your hormone levels so that the uncomfortable symptoms are reduced and put you back in the driving seat.